As your baby nears the 6-month mark you have the chance to interact with them in numerous new ways! They have developed a personality and while they’re still cute, squishy and fun to stare at, now is the time to get them out in the world. but what can you really finish with a 6-month-old baby? There are so numerous activities for 6 month olds that you’ll both have fun participating in. The world is your oyster; let’s explore it!

Activities To Do at home with Your 6 Month Old

No need for makeup and real clothes for these activities! here is a list of fun activities that you and your baby can delight in at home:

Sensory Play Arts and Crafts

It’s never too early to introduce your little one to the arts! Baby’s are continuously exploring and at about 6 months of age they are really really into figuring things out and making sense of the world. Arts and crafts are a great way to get your baby’s attention and let them explore a new part of the world.

Paint in a Bag

Let’s keep things a little clean first. painting in a bag is a great way to let your baby explore color and texture. place a piece of paper in a large zip lock bag and then add some non-toxic paint to the paper. push many of the air out of the bag and seal it up (double-check the seal) and then let your baby push on the paint and make a beautiful piece of art.

Finger Paint

If you are feeling daring, strip your baby down to just their diaper, put them in their high chair and let them finger paint. Be sure to use paint that is non-toxic and keep a close eye on them! Baby’s at this age want to put everything in their mouths so be sure to sit with them during this activity. this one is pretty messy so you might want to have a box of wipes with you and a bath ready to go as soon as they are done.


You can make your own or use the stuff from the store but your baby is going to love this! Again, make sure your baby doesn’t eat the play dough. They will love playing with the soft and cool dough and smashing it again and again.

Color Together

This one is pretty self-explanatory. just make sure your baby doesn’t eat them or you will be changing a rainbow diaper later.

Время музыки

Kids love music time! Plus, music is so crucial to a child’s development and helps baby understand rhythm and the sounds around them. Tom Petty radio is my 4-year old’s favorite station. happy mother best here! but my 2-year-old only loves baby Shark. I’ll convert him sooner or later.

Play Instruments

If you have instruments in your home, use them! My in-laws have a beautiful baby grand piano and my kids have loved listening to someone play it from the time they were babies.

Make Your own Instruments

Music can be made out of practically anything. show your baby how to drum on pots and pans or make them a maraca out of a plastic bottle and popcorn kernels. Your baby will love making their own music!

*Tip: If you make a maraca, be sure that you use a clean, dry plastic bottle and be sure to really protected or even glue the lid on once you’ve added the popcorn kernels.

Танец на музыку

Get up and groove with your baby. put on whatever makes you relocation to the beat and dance with your baby. You can also sit and dance with your little one too. show them how to rock their bodies while sitting on the floor or shake their shoulders. They will love being silly with you and learning new ways to relocation their bodies.

Learning activities for Your 6 Month Old


Reading is so essential to your baby. It is recommended to start reading to your baby as soon as possible. once your baby is 6 months old, they will love sitting and seeing the pictures in a book. use funny voices and make silly faces when reading. Doing all of this helps baby associate reading with fun and affection.

 Nursery Rhymes involving Hand-Eye Coordination

Clapping is a huge milestone for babies at 6 months. They are learning hand-eye coordination at this age and teaching them nursery rhymes such as Patty Cake and Itsy-Bitsy Spider are great ways to instruct them this skill.

Activities with Your 6 Month Old That will get You Out of the House

Activities To finish with a 6 Month Old in Your Neighborhood

Take your baby outside and let them get some fresh air! There is so much to see, do, and smell outside so let them explore and take it all in.

Go on a Nature Walk

You can walk your baby around your home or take them on a walk around your neighborhood. getting your baby outside is good for them and it’s a great mood booster for you. speak with them on your walk and show them different colors and textures.

Explore textures Outside

Let your baby explore the textures outside. sit them in the turf and view their reaction. Some kids love it, others hate it. let them hold a flower or touch the bumpy tree bark.


Chalk can be messy, but it cleans off so easily with wet wipes. You want to make sure they don’t eat the chaLK, как карандаши. Они будут любить создавать искусство на тротуаре и чувствовать текстуру мела.

Детский бассейн

Если на улице тепло, поставьте свои костюмы и сядьте в маленький детский бассейн на своем заднем дворе. Если ваш ребенок любит время в ванне, им тоже понравится это! Они могут выплеснуть все, что хотят, и это снаружи. Это беспроигрышный вариант!

Удары пузыри

Дети любят пузыри. Период. Здесь не требуется объяснение.

Выходить на прогулку

Оставаться дома все время может заставить любого сойти с ума. Соберите сумку, возьмите ребенка и отправляйтесь на настоящую прогулку.

Иди в зоопарк

В 6 месяцев они, вероятно, не поймут всех животных и того, что на самом деле является зоопарком, но, тем не менее, это отличная семья. Вашему ребенку понравится свежий воздух и исследуя все разные достопримечательности, звуки и запахи.

Прогулка до соседнего парка

Вы можете пойти на детскую площадку или просто парк газона. Либо в порядке! Как всегда, при перемещении их к чему -то новому поговорите с ними и обсуждайте, что происходит. Вот как они учатся, повторение является ключевым.

Проверьте библиотеку

Выберите несколько новых книг, чтобы прочитать или взять их в Storytime, чтобы они могли услышать, как читать новые голоса. Опять же, они испытывают так многочисленные разные вещи, когда вы берете их куда -то новое! Не удивляйтесь, если эти прогулки уничтожают их.

Расслабьтесь в соседнем бассейне

Положите костюмы для купания, возьмите SPF 100 и поплатите! Младенцы любят попадать в воду и чувствовать невесомость себя. Держись, хотя; Они становятся довольно скользкими с солнечным кремом!

Отправиться в музей

Again, this is just about exploring other things. Разговор с ними и показать им новые вещи – очень интересно и весело для вас и вашего ребенка.

Нужна выгодная деятельность?

Go on a Playdate!

Playdates are great at this age. If they’ve never been around another baby before, it is really fun viewing how they look at someone their own age. Plus, finding a friend who is going through the same life stages as you is really nice.

You may not have realized just how numerous things you can finish with your baby. 6 months old is such a favorite stage for me. They’re learning to eat, developing a personality, they might be sitting on their own, and so much more. get creative and spend some bonding time with your baby. Time flies when you’re having fun!

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